First Place - she's Watching 

By: Audrina Morales

She’s watching

ID : 23172 

I patiently watch my window, delicate little snowflakes fall gracefully on our wooden porch like white feathers from an angel’s wing. I brush my golden brown locks away from my face and straighten my nightgown. It’s the night of Christmas Eve. The kids in my village are already sound asleep, not because they want to wake up early to open their presents, but because of Colra.

The Colra; an ancient witch with a warped smile and a slimy tongue of a serpent. She breaks into your room on the night of Christmas Eve for children that stay up late. I don’t believe in those stories, it’s all nonsense in my opinion. I'm about to close the curtains, when I see a strange woman hidden in the shadows about 10 metres away from my room, slowly making her way towards me. I try to identify who she is. Flowing hair, thick fur coat and a smile from ear to ear. Her boots crunch heavily on the snow, crunch…crunch… I start to get nervous as she gets closer. I try to get a closer look at her, it seems she’s holding something. Her hand, clutching a short wooden bat sways beside her. A bat! What’s she going to use that for!?

I panic as she has almost reached my porch. An alarming thought races through my head. Could it be? Could this strange woman be the myth that the kids in my village rattle about? It seems impossible but everything makes sense, strange woman in the shadows, the long, warped smile, the night of Christmas eve, there’s no way i’m wrong! I rush out of bed and fling the curtains shut. She’s coming closer... I snatch the nearest object next to me, my alarm clock, to protect myself. I shakily hold up the alarm clock above me.  It isn’t any better than the bat she’s holding but it’s going to have to  work.

Within seconds her eerily skinny face appeared behind my window. Her piercing smile peeks from the gap of the curtains. What’s she going to do with me? What does she want from me ? The bat raises into her arms. A macabre weapon held in her arms like a newborn baby. Anxious thoughts drown my mind, she’s going to break in and kidnap me! It seems I have no choice but to race out the door and find somewhere to hide.

I’m reaching out for the doorknob when flashing lights shine from my window, illuminating my room like floating lanterns at night. I jerk my head around to see. It’s beautiful. Sparkling Christmas lights brighten up the town. It is now so bright I can clearly see her now. She was not who I thought she was. “ Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!” She sings harmoniously.. Then I see it.

 A beautifully carved oak ukulele being strummed by who I thought could be dangerous. A Christmas Caroller… She’s just a Christmas caroller. What I thought would be my last night alive turned out to be a whole misunderstanding. A band of more Christmas Carollers parade down my street. They simply just came to play music for the town. I felt foolish but somehow also proud. I didn’t whimper and cry like a coward, I stood up for myself which was quite brave of me.  The sun has risen and my alarm clock has gone off, it’s already morning. A wave of relief washes over me. What a night it has been, I can’t wait to tell my friends all about it!