Don't Wait for Graduation – Start your Career with PwC Now! 

Ready to dive into the professional world before you even graduate? PwC's Trainee Program is your golden ticket to full-time experience and a paycheck while still in uni! 

Picture this : you join one of Australia's top professional services firms in your second year of uni. You heard it right – you don't have to wait until you've got that degree to start your career journey! And here's the kicker – most of our trainees seamlessly transition into full-time Graduates!

Here's why you should jump on board:

 Get Ahead Early: Join one of Australia's top professional firms in your second year of uni. No need to wait until graduation day!

 Seamless Transition: Most of our trainees smoothly transition into full-time Graduates after finishing their degree.

 Explore Your Passion: We hire across various fields, from accounting and analytics to consulting, HR, legal, and tax.

What's in it for you?

 Dynamic Learning: Dive into a mix of work and study over two years. Work four days a week and study part-time while earning a full-time salary.

 Mentoring & Networking: Work alongside with industry leaders passionate about their work. Gain invaluable mentorship and networking opportunities.

 Diverse Projects: Explore a wide array of projects, clients, and practices, ensuring endless opportunities for growth and development.

 Work-Study Balance: Enjoy one paid study day each week while working four days. It's all about finding that perfect balance!

Ready to kickstart your career journey?

Click here to learn more