Running on the Roof of the World

Running on the Roof of the World

LKS2 have used this fantastically descriptive book to help anchor their writing. It links perfectly to our current Expedition, as it deals with people fleeing their countries, just like the refugees we have been learning about. It's exciting and we have been able to complete some fantastic Plot Points in our writing so far!

Experience Day 1: Reading and Presenting

Today as LKS2 crew we have read the different chapters that build up the story of “Running on top of the world”, each group is going to read and unpick a different chapter and then share back to everyone else what happens so everybody knows what they will be writing about from PP1-6. This was a great chance for children to apply their reading skills in their writing lessons and also improve their confidence by sharing this information back.

Experience Day 2: Curfew Time!

In the book, Tash has to be home by a curfew in order for the wujing not to be annoyed at her. Therefore, today as LKS2 crew we carried out a game of musical chairs, this was so the children could understand what a curfew meant, the way a curfew makes you feel and how the character might be feeling in the story if you do not meet the curfew.

Experience Day 2: Time to Hide!

In the book we are reading, Tash has to hide from the soldier under a Yak (Eve) in order for her not to be seen. Today as LKS2 crew we reenacted this in our own game of hide and seek in the dark. Adults had to go around and find the children using their torches. This allowed children to feel how Tash felt when hiding, it will also help to be able to describe how their feelings looked and felt.