Why did the Vikings migrate to Doncaster?


The Learning Targets for this Case Study were:

  • Give a broad overview of life in Britain from ancient until medieval times.

  • Place events, artefacts and historical figures on a time line using dates.

  • Understand the concept of change over time, representing this, along with evidence, on a time line.

  • Use dates and terms to describe events.

  • Use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate

  • Use more than one source of evidence for historical enquiry in order to gain a more accurate understanding of history.

Week One: Hook Week

Press play on the video to see a snapshot of the learning experiences we have enjoyed this week.

Check out our slides!

Experience day 1: Poem features

Week Two: Viking Visits

Press play on the video to see a snapshot of the learning experiences we have enjoyed this week.


Week Three: Viking Raids

Press play on the video to see a snapshot of the learning experiences we have enjoyed this week.

Check out our slides!

Viking Experience Day

Week Four: Viking Invasions

Press play on the video to see a snapshot of the learning experiences we have enjoyed this week.

Check out our slides!

Week 4

Week Five: Silhouette's

Press play on the video to see a snapshot of the learning experiences we have enjoyed this week.

Check out our slides!

Week 4 - art
Week 5

Week Six: Viking Art

Flick through the image carrousel to see the research and learning that took place during our lessons!

Week Seven: Viking Law

Flick through the image carrousel to see the research and learning that took place during our lessons!

Check out our slides!

Week 6 (L1) - History - Viking religion

Week One (A2): Viking Kings

Flick through the image carrousel to see the research and learning that took place during our lessons!

Check out our slides!

L2 - Battle of Hastings
L1 - Kings lesson