
Free Tutoring on Demand 24/7 Provided by Paper

Paper is a secure, online tutoring service that provides students with unlimited, 24/7 academic support. Whether they’re stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to read and make suggestions to their essays, there will always be experts available online to assist students in over 200 subjects and more than 4 languages.

Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather interact with them in an encouraging tone to lead them forward.

This is a free service that we’re providing, so students are encouraged to use it as much as they need, whenever they need.

To get started, simply log into Clever and click on the Paper icon.

Here is an example of how to access Paper:

Paper es un servicio de tutoría en línea que brinda a los estudiantes apoyo académico seguro e ilimitado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Ya sea que estén atascados en la tarea, estén estudiando para un examen o necesiten que alguien lea y revise sus ensayos, siempre habrá expertos en línea para ayudar a los estudiantes en más de 200 materias y más de 4 idiomas.

Los tutores de Paper han sido especialmente capacitados para brindar apoyo académico en una plataforma segura con interacciones por medio de chat. Con el compromiso de ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, los tutores nunca darán las respuestas a los estudiantes, sino que interactúan con ellos en un tono alentador para guiarlos hacia adelante.

Este es un servicio gratuito que ofrecemos, por lo que se anima a los estudiantes a utilizarlo cuantas veces lo necesiten, a cualquier hora que lo necesiten.

Para comenzar, simplemente ingrese a Clever y haga clic en el ícono de Paper

Aquí se muestra un ejemplo de cómo acceder a Paper:


For the 2021-22 school year, we will once again be supporting families interested in participating in the CUSD Independent Physical Education (IPE) program. This link takes interested student athletes to the form needed to formally apply for IPE in the 2021-22 school year. If you are currently an IPE student in the 2020-21 school year, you will not need to complete the form and will be automatically added to the IPE program for the 2021-22 school year., if you plan to compete and apply for IPE as a new IPE student, you will need to complete the linked form below. Please fill out the form and get it to your school site for approval as you prepare for the upcoming school year. Applications must be submitted no later than August 3rd

IPE Application Link

Student Work Permits