
The Extended Learning Opportunity Program has been amazing for our daughter. Her internship has allowed her to gain experiences in ways the traditional academic setting never would. She has improved her interpersonal communication & time management skills and stretched her comfort zone.  All this has given our daughter more confidence and heightened her excitement for the next step in her academic pursuits.  It has exceeded her expectations (and ours!). We could not be more grateful with the support the school has provided.  Cape Elizabeth has long needed to provide better & expanded experiential learning opportunities and this program is an important step.

The Extended Learning Opportunity Program has been a great experience for my son. Last year he worked on the chemistry project and this year he’s completing a chemistry/physics project. The support provided by the school staff was timely and on target. It made for the chemistry project to be a true learning experience. With his current project, he has reached out to a varied field of contacts at the school, outside facilities, and true experts in the field to aid in the completion of his program. Interpersonal skills have naturally grown due to his need to have to reach outside of his regular comfort zone. The opportunity to put a team together and manage the process and people cannot be understated as a skill in developing future leaders. The program is incredibly valuable for student development and future success. 

The Extended Learning Opportunity Program has been transformative for our son. It has provided real life context for learning that he found hard to get from his regular high school classes. As such he has become engaged in school and the life after high school process in a way that he would have completely missed. The interpersonal skills from meeting with adults and asking questions about careers, while learning to communicate in a professional manner have given him confidence that is now visible in all areas of his life.

I really enjoyed the creative ability I had, as well as the space I was given which was very supportive and encouraging in my endeavors. I also liked my teachers/advisors that helped direct me in a way I wouldn't my self. 

I liked having the ability to dedicate time to my interests during the school day and to receive credit for doing so. It was awesome to have a support system within this class. My project has been so exciting and rewarding, and it reinforces my passion for the arts.

I liked the freedom and ability to do what I wanted to when I wanted to do it. I knew I could accomplish what I wanted to and I was motivated to do so.

I am generally quite inefficient when researching, especially bigger research projects, but I have been surprisingly efficient during this project which I am quite proud of.

I am proud that I haven’t given up on my idea despite all the difficulties I’ve faced. Normally when I come across challenges when doing new things, I give up and try something new. This project has really reached me to persevere. Despite some things going wrong and at times feeling like my project isn’t going to work out, I have continued to push through. I learned that I’m more capable than I think. Normally I give up/lose hope about things when they get hard. Despite struggling and some parts of this project not going the way I imangined, I have still continued to try and I have worked to the best of my ability without giving up.

I have learned that I am capable of making things happen.

I have learned that even though it was scary I can work with adults in a professional setting and I also am good at interveiwing people/being intereveiwed

I have learned a lot about myself, but the major thing I've learned is my skills for communicating via email. Through the beginning of my project, I learned a lot about how to communicate by email, and the etiquette you must use in order to not come across too forward. This will be a lesson I am sure to look back on and thank because of how important it is.

I have learned that I am capable of a lot more than I realised. I have also learned that I enjoy working independently and that I enjoy working with kids and awareness work is something I am very passionate about.