Leading Eagles in Actions and Dedication

Our Mission:

We strive to positively represent our school as role models to our fellow students and as servants of our school and community.

Our Members:

The Reeves-Hinger Leadership Team (LEAD) is made up of representatives from each third and fourth grade. These representatives will go through an application process and will be chosen by the LEAD committee of teachers and staff at Reeves-Hinger. LEADERS MUST TURN IN APPLICATIONS AND REFERENCE LETTERS! Applicants must meet the requirements below and your reference letters should share how you represent these requirements!

Requirements: Please visit as a family and discuss your desire to serve as well as feasibility.

Grades- Academics come first! Leaders must work hard in their classroom every day.

Behavior- Our leaders must set an example for those around them. Students are allowed no more than 3 orange notes per semester and any behavior resulting in an office referral will be considered for dismissal from the leadership team.

Meetings- The leadership team will have meetings every 3 weeks. We will meet with our report card schedule. We will have meetings the last 20 minutes of their PE/Music schedule. Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Bridges will meet with students.

Service- Leaders will be expected to serve one morning each week as “Morning Greeters” They will report at 7:25 to help open doors, greet students and staff, and monitor hallways. Leaders will also be asked to do morning announcements and participate in projects throughout the year.

Personality- Leaders become the face of our classrooms and school. Our leaders must possess an outgoing personality that is willing to shake hands, answer questions, and explain projects to others.