Blog Post - Hope

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The world has just experienced an Easter like none before in the modern era. A time that is normally characterized by holidays, catching up with friends, doing tasks around the house and for many, a time that they reflect on Jesus - his death and resurrection.

Instead of heading to a local church for the easter service, services are live streamed allowing people to connect with a message of hope and a message that is essential for this world.

Today, we need a message of hope. And I’m here to tell you that hope exists!

Jesus during his time on earth was an incredible man. He was someone who absolutely challenged Jewish society and their reliance on a blend of God’s laws and their own set of rules.

He was a disrupter to the known way of life.

His life became an example of love. A love that knows no bounds. A love for his father, God, and a love for all people - people he hadn’t even met……people like you & me.

Jesus was not only a disrupter. He became life & became the way for humanity to reconcile with God. Jesus’ life and example became a threat to the complex rules that were in place & he showed that in many instances, such rules and traditions were not there for the glory of God - rather they were entrenching power, social status and wealth. For this reason, they plotted to capture and kill Jesus believing that by eliminating this person, that his ideas, his example and his followers would also crumble and have no lasting legacy.

For this reason, and to fulfil what was written hundreds of years earlier, Jesus was put to death. Crucified in a cruel manner. Yet, in fulfilling his fathers will, he was blameless. He was laid to rest inside a tomb and 3 days later God raised him from the dead….again fulfilling what had been written in the Bible hundreds of years earlier.

Jesus through being resurrected - conquered death.

He died in an act of love for us.

His resurrection means that we too have an opportunity to conquer death.

Jesus said that ‘greater love has no man than to lay down his life for others’ (John 15 v13). That’s exactly what Jesus has done. He laid down his life so that we might gain it! This is an amazing offer.

How can we share in the life that Jesus spoke about. We are not talking about conquering a physical death……we are talking about a life that is reconciled to God. A life that then becomes focussed on putting God first, listening to Him and following the example of Jesus.

The hope that we share is a promise God has made to mankind and this has been reinforced throughout the various books of the Bible where God will restore peace on earth, will send Jesus back to the earth to re-establish God’s kingdom and ultimately call all those who have been baptised in Jesus (both living and those dead) to collectively worship God together for all eternity.

You may have heard of a Bible verse (John 3 v16) which states: “For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. What an amazing love.

It is our prayer that you join in holding on to the hope that we share.

If you would like more information about our hope, and how to be reconciled with God, click here: