
Sharing Memorable Adventures and Rich Traditions

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About the project

The idea of the project was inspired by the desire to create an opportunity for our students to better understand the value of their culture heritages and give them sufficient knowledge on how to preserve these treasures and how to promote the sustainable tourism. Cultural heritage represents our history, our connection to the past, present and future and contributes to maintaining or creating a regional, national and European identity. The essence of the project is to let the students’ passion and enthusiasm run free, be creative, open their eyes around them and share ideas and renew tourism through the creation of innovative travel itineraries which offer memorable nonconventional holiday trips that allow people (tourists) to learn something new and to be exposed to a full picture of a place. The international environment where students act, will help them to accept the diversity among other people and be aware of the cultural differences.


As the project falls under the focus of the development of the students' cultural and intercultural awareness, we have set the following objectives for them:

  • To recognize the values and significance of the cultural heritage, the landscape and the environment

  • To increase the cultural and intercultural awareness of students, making them more knowledgeable about the history, geography, literature, customs and traditions of their own country and of the other European countries

  • To recognize and protect the concrete and intangible cultural heritage

  • To enhance social cohesion through sharing the same cultural heritage

  • To break stereotypes about other cultures, traditions and lifestyles

  • To rise young people's environmental sensitization and awareness

  • To improve students’ English language proficiency

  • To improve students’ ICT skills through the use of applications and online tools for presentations, activities, evaluation

  • To improve students’ transferable skills communication, research and analysis, team work, adaptability, organisation

  • To improve students’ motivation for learning and self-confidence

At the level of the institutions, our objectives are:

  • To improve the European dimension and international cooperation

  • To motivate teachers

  • To improve the communication and cooperation among all school actors

Partner Schools

- Istituto Tecnico Industriale S. Cannizzaro, Catania, Italy (Coordinator)

- BRG/BORG 15, Vienna, Austria

- Srednja skola Bol, Bol, Croatia

- LPO la fontaine des eaux, Dinan, France

- IES Teguise, Teguise, Spain

- Izmir Mesleki Egitim Merkezi, Izmir, Turkey

Number and profile of participants

The age profile of the students will vary from 15 to 19. The ones who will take part at the LTTAs, who will be 4 or 5, including students coming from a disadvantaged social and cultural environment, will share what they have learnt with their mates and work with them for the realization of the future tasks.

Description of activities

A training program on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism held by experts in Cultural assets, Science, Marketing, Computer Science and Tourism, will be offered to students, in order to make them more knowledgeable about the value of the European rich and diverse heritage and to underline the importance of its preservation. The training course, including lectures, workshops and visits at sites of great historical and environmental interest, will be organized during the meetings in the various countries and will be structured as follows:

1° LTTA: How to create a Digital Travel Guide

2° LTTA: Historical-Artistic itinerary

3° LTTA: Naturalistic Routes

4° LTTA: Sustainable Tourism

5° LTTA: Tourism services and facilities

6° LTTA: Tourism Promotion


The Training course and workshops will be planned by involving the greatest number of students. Concrete topics will be not only dealt with in a theoretical way, but learning by doing will be predominant as the interaction and communication between students and experts play a very important role. Students’ involvement will be enhanced by encouraging them to ask questions, explore new ideas, be innovative and creative and have fun at the same time.Students will learn and work in international groups to achieve a common goal using cooperation skills such as sharing, turn-taking, encouraging others, discuss their interests and compare their opinions. Moreover, they will be encouraged to widely use ITC through web searches, use of softwares, applications, e-platforms, DropBox and Google Drive.


- Project website

- 6 Digital Travel Guides (one for each country) that include the following sections: + A brief historical description of each country/area + The main customs and traditions including myths and legends + Two itineraries: a “Historical-Artistic journey” and a "Naturalistic route”

- Promotion materials to promote the 6 European countries

- An international e-recipe booklet

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.