
Jack Frost and his lantern

Beans that reach the sky

The cold that flows

Within my veins

The dreams that reach too high

The fire in the pumpkin

The beans that seek the Judge

Reckless acts and craftiness

Run always in his blood

Shiver now in readiness

Burn again in shame

Grow the plants and take the chance

That flakes survive in flame

Trap the seeds and gut the gourd

Scrape the soul and

Strike a chord

Song of Jack is almost through

Jack does not himself

Do you?

Rapunzel, parsley, sage

A braid strong as a cage

To grow the locks that bind you

And pray someone will find you

How different can that be

Than the towers trapping me

Three strands thread into one

Like straw already spun

They will never grow old

While my crown is growing gold

All the while he climbed the magnificent stalk

Did he ever once praise the mighty power of the beans?

Three magic shoots entwined to become one

Incredibly strong, connecting Heaven and Earth

His folly was trying to steal the song of Heaven

The fruit of the gods, the apples from the Tree of Life

The Harp and the Goose were his one chance at forgiveness

Both plucked for selfish gain and ignoble desires

A string of grace, a feather of hope

Look up, Jack

Look up

And then bow as you descend

Face the light streaming through the clouds

And try to forgive the giant within

As the clock decides the hour

So the maker cedes her power

Moments large in midnight cadence

Ruin poor maids' reputation

Dance with her and get no name

Follow her and soon be shamed

Search for her and find her mother

Sisters hovering, absent brother

Spells and wishes rush delivered

Leave the clock chimes ten beats withered

Message from Snow and Cindy

Apple in the pumpkin patch

Pumpkins in a tree

Beans that grow into the clouds

Ignoring all beneath

Be thankful that the miller girl

Has her eyes on you

For she will spin the gold you need

To make your dreams come true

You could have tasted apples, Jack

You could have pumpkins full

But you just can’t keep your eyes off gold

We hope your plans fall through

Far to go, people

Inside ill-conceived notions

Reflections revealing something

Assumptions obscure more than illuminate

Show me the mirror inside my soul

What do I see?

Illumination, then more obscure assumptions

Something revealing reflections

Notions ill-conceived, inside...

People go too far

Fairy Tale Seasons

Fairy tales have seasons
as winter turns to spring
not everything is waking
not every bird will sing

One flower still is frosted
one pond retains its glaze
A curse and all it's costed
the stain of glass, a trade

A debt to death forgotten
A vow to hide the key
to beasts and apples, rotten
to freedom not set free

You say you know the story
you've heard it all before
Then why do you stand trembling
one hand upon the door?

I brought you here for you to solve
the riddle of the ring
I caught you, dear, with whispered calls
as winter turned to spring