*ACES Summer  Program*

Current 2022-2023 Grade

Kindergarten-6th grader.

Starting May 30th through June 22nd. 

*$40 Registration Fee: If you are currently eligible for free or reduced lunches you will also receive the summer program for free. This fee must be paid by the registration deadline May 8th. Checks can be made payable to USD 436. 

*You can drop off anytime after 7:30am Monday-Thursday. If you drop off after 8:00am please use the back numbered pull-ins and call the number provided. We will provide breakfast and then work into our educational morning rotations led by certified teachers. We will then provide a lunch and outside time. 

*Afternoons will be full of fun activities such as team building exercises and competitions. Our theme this year is Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, Stay Sharp, and Stay Safe. We will be focusing on keeping our minds sharp, healthy eating habits, physical fitness and bike safety. We have several fun adventures planned, such as the escape room, CCC movie day, petting zoo and much more.

*Pick up will be out the front of the building. Leaders will walk each group out. Please park your car, walk up and pick up your child. Anyone using the paid extended care can pick up anytime after 3:45pm but no later than 5:30pm at the Rec Center. Please call 620-306-6034 and we will walk them out. 

* The only time the back numbered spots will need to be used is when dropping off after 8:00am (Monday-Thursday) or picking up before 3:30pm. Please call the number provided and someone will assist you. 

Field Trips: 

We will be going on 2 field trips. You must attend 2 out of the 3 days each week to join. 

Extended Care: 

The Caney Recreation will be providing a paid extended care Monday - Thursday 3:30-5:30pm. 

Contact the Rec Center for more information.