Got Books?

The graphics are hyperlinked and will take you to the resource.

This is where you can search books in our physical library and ebooks. When you log in with your SSO, you can put books on hold. Additionally, Here is a Google Form that will allow you to request books. We will deliver these to your English classroom.

Sora is an app that allows us to share digital resources with the Campbell County Public Library without using a library card! You can access this:

This is our main ebook, audiobook, newspaper and magazine supplier. Students sign in with your email and then you will be redirected to sign in through Clever.

Teen Book Cloud is an app for ebooks and audiobooks offered through the Kentucky Virtual Library. When you are at school, there is no log in. At home, you will need our school login. Your teachers will all have this information but you can also go to the Library Schoology Group and find it under resources. These books cannot be downloaded and require an internet connection, however, everyone can read the same book at the same time!

How to Read Manga

Have you ever been curious about Manga but weren't sure how to follow the story? Check this site out for more help! 

According to SOAS University of London: