Anse Ger Secondary School


      In recent years, many young people in St Lucia have gotten involved in seamoss farming. As the rate of diabetes in Saint Lucia continues to rise,, people are striving towards living healthier lives, thus changing the foods that they consume. In addition to all the healthy drinks available, wouldn't it be wonderful for someone who is health conscious to have a healthy snack during the day without consuming the excess junk? Seamoss Gummy Treats seeks to provide a solution to unhealthy diets by creating a healthy alternative to the traditional gummy bears.

      The seamoss was first transformed in a gel, which was then mixed with other ingredients and heated to create the gummy mixture. This mixture was then poured into various molds and allowed to set. Two batches were made. Students and teachers at the school were asked to taste the gummy treats and give feedback. 

      The general feedback about the first attempt at creating the gummy treats included (1) was too sour, (2) it had too much ginger, (3)it was not chewy enough and (4) it did not have enough seamoss. Feedback on the second attempt revealed that (1) it lacked some flavor, (2) it was not chewy enough and (3) it needed more seamoss. Despite harsh criticisms, choices were divided as some tasters preferred the sour, gingery treat instead of  the plain one and vice versa.