Digital Toolkit

Utilize our Digital Toolkit to help tell and amplify our journey ONLINE THIS FALL


Feb 2: Ballots begin to arrive in mailboxes
Goal: Inform voters of key voting dates and support vote planning.

Message: Your vote is your voice.

CTA: Make a plan to vote.


Feb 14: Holiday

Goal: Persuade voters to vote early.

Message: Co-governance looks like everyone’s full participation.

CTA: Tag your Valentine in the comments.


Feb 20: Last day to register & receive a VBM ballot

Goal: Connect the ballot with material gains for our communities.

Message: We’re voting for a future where our families can prosper.

CTA: Share your vote plan in the comments.


Feb 24: Early vote centers open

Goal: Share early vote center info. + voter FAQ’s.

Message: When we vote together, we have the power to transform our communities.

CTA: Host a ballot party for your friends and relatives.


Mar 5: Polls open 7AM-8PM
Goal: Apply gentle social pressure + in-person vote info. 

Message: Your community is counting on your vote.

CTA: Get to the polls + join our movement!


⚠️Today’s the LAST DAY to vote ⚠️

Just a few votes have determined some elections! When we leave power on the table, we leave big decisions that affect ALL of us up to a few people. 

💗Vote with care, vote for your community. Find a vote center near you:

☑Vote centers are one-stop shops for registering to vote, replacing your ballot, receiving in-language support, and casting your vote! ☑️✨

E-DAY #2

Vote center FAQ

🙋🏽: What’s a vote center? ☑️✨

📥 Vote centers are a one-stop shop for all things vote. ALL vote centers open 4 days BEFORE the election deadline March 5th. 

✔️Drop off your completed vote-by-mail ballot

✔️Vote using an accessible voting device

✔️Recieve in-language support

✔️Register to vote or update your registration (bring your ID!)

✔️ Receive a replacement ballot on-demand

You can go to a vote center in some counties as early as 10 days before the deadline.

Find a vote center near you 🔎:

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady #VoteEarly

Vote ID Faq

🙋🏽: Do I need an ID to vote in-person? ☑️✨

Bring it with you just in-case! First time voters might be asked to show ID. We recommend double-checking your voter registration to make sure your name, address & important details are up to date. 

🗳️ Vote centers can help you make changes to your registration and vote same-day. Find one near you:

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady #VoteEarly

WHY VOTE (set)

📣VOTE SZN IS NOW! The stakes are HIGH and our standards for good governance are HIGHER! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

No one leader holds ALL the power. Our cities rely on each office to deliver critical services our communities need. 🗳️Vote for the people and policies that place power back into the hands of the people:

👏Make corporations pay their fair share

💵Fight for fair wages

🏡Keep our families housed

🍏Fund our schools

📊Demand investments for our communities

WE help set the agenda alongside leaders & community organizers ⚖️

To learn more about who & what’s on your ballot visit: 

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady


🗳️ California's Election Season happening! From now until March 5th, it's your chance to shape the future. 🌟 

This Primary Election is all about choosing your favorite candidates to advance to the General Election in November. Only the top two vote-getters move forward, unless a candidate secures over 50% of the vote for certain local elections. 🏛️

🤔Did you know? If you're one of the 4.8 Million Californians registered as "No Party Preference" and want to vote for the U.S. President, there's an extra step for you. Request a ballot from American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian parties. For Green, Peace and Freedom, or Republican parties' candidates, a re-registration is needed. 🌍

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady


Week #2

Signed, sealed, delivered–CA’s yours! 💌

And what better way to show California you care than to postmark your ballot to the city you love? Get out and vote:

Send your ballot-valentine…

🏃🏽‍♀️in person

💌 in the mail

🗳 at a ballot drop box

📌 Check your voter status here:

Vote for leaders who love and care for our state like we do. 🥺✨ Make it a date! Tag your Valentines in the comments 💞

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady


🙋🏽: How do I register to vote? ☑️✨

Register to vote & make updates to your registration online by visiting 🌐: 

You can request a paper voter registration application by calling (800) 345-VOTE

🏁 New voters should register by Feb 20th to receive a vote-by-mail ballot

🗳️ Vote in-person and register the same day at a vote center. Find one near you:

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady #VoteEarly


🙋🏾: Where do I drop off my ballot? ✉️ 🗳

Since California made universal vote-by-mail permanent you have choices! 👏🏼

📬  It’s always free to drop in your mailbox! Every voters envelope comes postage paid

📮 Find a secure ballot drop-off site near you! ⬇️

🌐 Visit:

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady


🙋🏿‍♂️: How can I track my ballot? ✉️ 🗳️

Once you’ve mailed your ballot, you can track when it’s collected and counted by visiting


Your voting record is sparkling ✨ Well done!

#CaliforniaWay #VoterReady

week #1

Vote GUide 1

🗳️✨ If you’re reading this, your ballot has made its way to your door 👀 

The March primary election is here! We’re reaching for a future where working Californians have everything they deserve: safe housing, fair wages, clean water, and the best schools. Your community is counting on your vote!

Remember to:

✅ Check your registration: 

🔑 Create your early vote plan:

📬 Cast your ballot and track it!:

Will you make a plan to vote before March 5th for candidates and propositions that put people first?

#VoteEarly #VoterReady #CaliforniaWay 

Vote guide 2

vote guide 3