
Mrs. Gerstle & Mrs. Gilbert

Welcome, Manzanita Class!

Teachers: Mrs. Gerstle & Mrs. Gilbert

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Placek

Welcome to the Manzanita classroom! We are so excited to be starting the school year and working collaboratively with you. We look forward to meeting with you during the initial parent/student meetings the first week of school as well as the Back to School Night Zoom meeting on Wednesday, August 19th. During those meetings, we will review the daily and weekly schedules, how students can access work through their Google Classroom, and the many ways that we will build community, even when we can’t be on campus together. We look forward to meeting with you as your child’s social emotional and academic development are our highest priority! We appreciate partnering with you to make this year a success!

Please feel free to contact the classroom teachers through ParentSquare, email, or by calling the office. We are here to help and support our students and families!

Weekly Work Plan

Upper Elementary Work Plan.pdf