IB And University Research

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Understanding your IB Points

Grade 11 (class of 2025)

You received an email with a PDF of your current IB Scores..  You can use this information to research universities or review course content as needed to be on track to meet your goals for each class next year.

We have estimated the bonus points for TOK & Extended Essay (EE) as 2. Your eventual points will be 0, 1, 2, or 3 once the TOK class or essay is closer to completion in the fall.

Also, if you are in a self-taught or Pamoja class, that is listed here as a pass/fail (PS/FL) as well, so you can estimate your point for that class, and the IB Coordinator will communicate that to you once he receives it.

Below is a power point that explains how IB points can be used in your university research, and more information will be provided by the IB Coordinator.

Letters of Recommendation 

A key component of the application checklist is asking for letters of recommendation. Much like the timeline with standardized testing, once you figure out which schools you are applying to and when, you can figure out the timeline for when to ask for letters of recommendation.

In general, you’d ideally ask for letters of recommendation at the end of your junior year to prepare for the upcoming application season, regardless of which application route you decide to take. To keep it simple, the sooner your application is due, the sooner you need to ask.

Some tips:

Be sure to ask at an appropriate time. You know how you wait until your parents are in a good mood before you ask them for something? Do that with this. That means:

Two better options for when to ask for a letter of recommendation:

Tips From The College Essay Guy (https://www.collegeessayguy.com/blog/college-application-deadlines)