High Five Friday

High Five Friday is an ongoing whole school emotional health and wellbeing programme. Participating schools dedicate every second Friday to focus on embedding nurture principles, complete activities featured in the High Five newsletter and use the Take 5 framework to deliver the day's learning.

It is time and space for every member of the school community to step back and focus on enjoying each others company. 

"Provides opportunities to be active, to chat together, think of others, learn new things, be involved in the community and take time out to relax / notice the world around them" - Meadowbridge PS

"The pupils benefit from a relaxed, positive approach to Fridays. It provides strategies to support their well-being. It encouraged the pupils to reflect on their learning and gave them more opportunities to share their Pupil Voice." - Corran IPS

High Five Friday is based on the Take 5 model and is shaped by three core principles:

Everyone belonging header

High Five Friday is an opportunity for the whole school community to reconnect. Staff, classes, parents- everyone belongs. No matter what has happened in the days previous, everyone participates. High Five Friday is an intentional day set aside to promote positive emotional health and well being. This means that it should not be viewed as a reward to be earned or a privilege to lose.

Reducing Tension header

High Five Friday provides space to step out of the pressures present in daily school life. It is a day with low demands, increased choice and activities built around the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing. It is an opportunity to hit the reset button.

Raising self awareness header

High Five Friday allows time to take notice and reflect on events in our lives over the last two weeks. An opportunity to stand still and a safe space to make sense of our lives right now.