
Exam Board - CCEA

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Why study History?

Learning about the past informs the present. It could easily be claimed that if we had learned a little more from our past, we could sort out our present!

History is all about people. Arguably no other subject will teach you more about the way people think, what they can aspire to do and how problems can be resolved. All of these apply to life today.

History is all about building your life skills. Studying History requires you to work independently and through this you will acquire skills which will equip you to pursue further study in a diverse range of university courses. These include Law, Accounting, Politics, Business Studies, Journalism and, of course, History. In addition, studying GCSE and AS/A2 History will enhance qualities which you may already have and which you will find useful in a variety of careers. For example, studying History helps to sharpen your analytical capabilities including your ability to accurately interpret complex facts. You will learn how to convey information in a concise and comprehensive manner and this will improve both your written and oral communication skills. Further, you will acquire problem solving techniques and will have the opportunity to practise working in collaboration with others.

What will I study?

As well as learning about the past you will learn from the past. You will study the past from different perspectives in order to form your own judgement on the topics discussed. At GCSE these topics include:

  • Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–45

  • Changing Relations: Northern Ireland and its Neighbours 1965–98

  • International Relations, 1945–2003

Therefore, you will have the opportunity to learn about the recent history of your own country as well as other countries in Europe and further afield. There is no controlled assessment in this subject. There are two external examinations. One takes place at the end of Year 11 and the other takes place at the end of Year 12.

Future Careers

History shapes the future. History is highly relevant for working in a wide spectrum of careers, ranging from Law, through Accounting to Journalism, Teaching and Politics amongst others. History delivers vital skills which are necessary for working and living in the 21st Century. Historians are able to organise data and argue persuasively - so you will discover that studying History is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. Recent History pupils have furthered their studies by visiting Belgium, Berlin, Dublin and the Maiden City of Londonderry and we look forward to doing more trips in the future. We hope to be visiting Washington DC and Philadelphia in the USA in the near future!

Learning and Growing Together

History pupils get the chance to benefit from exciting new opportunities which come from our participation in the Shared Education Project with St Ronan’s College, Lurgan. We benefit, for example, from joint History trips, shared online work and engaging in group seminars. Our pupils not only improve their learning, but also get to meet new people and learn new perspectives.