Learning for Life & Work
Exam Board - CCEA
Click HERE to view the subject specification
What will I learn?
All Y11 pupils will study GCSE Learning for Life and Work. This exciting subject covers a range of topics which all have one thing in common – they are essential for life in the real world. The subject divides into three sections:
Education for Employability.
This topic allows pupils to explore their career options and how they could start their own business.
Personal Development.
In this topic pupils will learn about some of the risks in teenage and adult life and how to make wise choices.
Local and Global Citizenship.
In this topic pupils learn about how society works and the part they have to play in it.
How will I be assessed?
Each of the 3 topics above is assessed in a 60 minute external examination worth 20%.
The Employability and Personal Development examinations take place in May of Year 11.
40% of the GCSE mark for this subject consists of Controlled Assessment. The Controlled Assessment is predominantly completed in the first term of Year 12. It is important that pupils stay on top of this Controlled Assessment during the year; they can use the Controlled Assessment planner inside this booklet to assist them in organising themselves.