Devenish College



Staff 2024/25

Principal - Mr S. Mowbray

Vice Principal of Curriculum - Mr G. Parks Vice Principal of Care and Support - Mrs K. Morton


Mrs M. Giles  

Art and Design 

Mrs E. Elliott (Head of Department), Miss M. Dennis

Business Studies 

Mr G. Parks (Head of Department), Mrs Wray (Head of Careers / Head of Year 12)

Digital Technology 

Mrs Meenan (Head of Department, ICT Coordinator and Examinations Coordinator), Mrs Earls (Director of Key Stage 4), Mr Boyd 


Miss R. Hall (Head of Department & Head of Year 9), Mrs N. McGrath (Literacy Coordinator), Mr K. Feeney, Mr N Hambly, Ms R McGonagle, Mr C O’Callaghan (Assistant SENCO and Head of Year 11),  


Mr R. Brownlee (Head of Department), Mr C. Black, Mrs D. Robinson, Mrs G. Maguire, Mrs C. Mulligan , Mrs L. McCabe

General Studies  

Mrs J. Mahon, Mrs H. McClean


Miss J. McCaffery (Head of Department), Mrs F. Bersot


Home Economics 

Mrs L. Nevin (Head of Department), Mrs C. Beacom, Mr M. Irvine (Acting Head of Year 10), Mrs E. Mulligan, Mrs L. Nixon (Head of Year 8)


Mrs D. Mullan (Head of Department), Mr D. Williamson, Mr J. Wright ()


Mrs N. Buchanan, Miss H. Johnston

Learning for Life and Work

Mrs B. McDermott (Head of Department)


Mr L. Connolly (Head of Department), Mrs G. McKenna 

Prince’s Trust Award 

Mr L. Connelly, Mrs B. McDermott, Mr K. Hopper

Religious Education

Mr A. Mullan (Head of Department), Mrs S. Moore (Director of Key Stage 3)


Mrs M. Giles (Head of Department), Mr T. Whittaker, Mrs V. Irwin, Mrs C. Reynolds, Mrs K. Morton (VP of Care and Support), Ms G. Gillen, Miss L. Gallagher

Technology and Design 

Mr Coulter (Head of Department), Mr Hopper, Mrs Stevenson  


Mr C. Lyons (Head of Department), Mrs L. Nixon (Head of Year 8), Mr G. Benson (Head of Year 13 and 14), Mrs J. Love

Learning Support

Mrs A. Bullock (Learning Support Coordinator), Mrs C. McGrath, Mr C O'Callaghan (Assistant SENCO, Head of Year 11)

Support Staff

Clerical Officers

Mrs H. Wood

Mrs S. McClean

Miss L. Benson


Mr J. McMaster

Mr O. Ledwith 


Mrs B. Clarke (H.E.)

Mrs E. Dunne (Science)

Mrs V. Kernohan (Sixth Form)

Mr J. Little (I.T.)

Learning Assistants

Miss C. Yuill

Mrs N. Lindsay

Ms. L Kelly

Miss J.  Wilson

Mrs J Scott

Mrs R. West

Mrs G. Armstrong

Ms P. Ingram

Ms S. O’Connor

Mrs H. Magowan 

Mrs C. Bell

Mr J. Graham

Mrs B. Coalter

Mr G. McGuckin

Ms J. McCutcheon

Ms. Rosie McGinty

Mr. A Cadden

Ms E. Beacom

Miss M. Keenan

Miss H. Potters

Mr. D Burns

Mrs S. Maxwell 

Miss A. Robinson

Miss S. Howes

Mrs A. Brownlee

Mrs S. Willis

Ms L. Leatham

Mrs L. Ferguson

Mrs S. Benson 

Ms N. Stevenson 

Mrs C. Prentice 

Ms F. Johnston 

Mrs S. Browne

Mr. A McEvoy 

Mrs. M Nixon

Mrs F. Beacom

Mrs B. McCarron 

Miss C. Mills 

Miss M. Jackman 

Miss N. Hoey

Cafeteria Staff

Miss C. Logue

Mrs M. Abbott

Mrs J.McDonal

Mrs J. McDonald

Mrs D. Clendinning

Mrs A. Carson

Mrs M. Russell

Mrs K. Burns

Mrs H. Allen

Mrs L. Tummon

Mrs M. Love