
Eating and burning food

Eating and burning food

Take notes on the following clips/notes! These WILL show up on an upcoming quiz!

Glucose & nutrient conversion

Can you fill the blanks??

One of your body’s favorite storage area for glucose

is in your ____ cells.

When blood glucose gets too high, the pancreas releases: _______

__________ is released from the pancreas when blood sugar gets low.

Brain specifically ______ -dependent for energy.

carb digestion

Salivary Amylase (where released..what do?) why inactivated in stomach?

Pancreatic Amylase


Carbohydrates are hydrolyzed into: ________

Glucose is broken into: _____

protein Dig.

____________ are the basic building block of protein.

Protein digestion begins in ________ by the enzyme _______.

Trypsin (and other enzymes) released by the ___ enter the ___ via the pancreatic duct.

Digestive nutrients take a detour to the ___ before entering the bloodstream.

Hepatic – always means: __________.

Lipid digestion

Lipids pass through to the _______ completely undigested.

____________ act as emulsifiers of lipids.

Emulsify means:

Pancreatic lipase:

Free-fatty acids enter epithelial cells and:

Chylomicrons do not enter the blood stream, they: