Please Help Out

Want to help out members of the ASR community? Please consider participating in one or multiple of the listed studies. Your participation will be greatly appreciated by these aspiring young scientists. 

Assessing how differences in breed and age can impact a dog's ability to express contrafreeloading: A quantitative and qualitative pilot study

My name is Zach Goldman. I am conducting a study assessing how differences in breed and age can impact a dog's ability to express contrafreeloading, a behavior that refers to when an animal prefers food that requires effort over food that requires no effort to obtain. If you own a purebred dog, I would love for your dog to participate in my study. If you choose to participate, your dog will be asked to choose between treats placed in a bowl or treats placed in a Nina Ottosson Outward Hound Dog Hide N Slide Dog Toy. The study will be conducted in a local park in a private pen where you will be able to watch your dog throughout the testing trial. You will also be asked to approve of the treats the dog is receiving. You will be able to choose the time you would like to participate in the study, which will take no longer than 30 minutes. Please consider participating in my study. If you would like to participate, please email for more information.

Evaluating the impact of tennis racket parameters on player performance and injury prevention

My name is Aaron Stein. Over the years, the game of tennis has evolved with players hitting with more spin and power than ever before. To compensate for this, racket technology has evolved quickly with the sport to help produce shots of this nature; however, the impact of these new racket designs on player performance has not yet been investigated. Ultimately, my study aims to determine how differing racket designs impact player performance and preference to assist in the aid of future racket development and injury prevention. I am looking for high level tennis players, both male and female, ages 13+ to participate in my study. Participation should take thirty minutes, and the study will occur this summer in either late June or early July. If you are interested please reach out to me at

 Exploring the Association Between Loneliness and Hearing Loss in Adults Aged 65 and Above

My name is Romy Schweitzer, and I am conducting a study to identify the role hearing plays in older adults' social lives. If you, or anyone you know, is sixty-five or older, please consider participating in my study. Participation in this study will be approximately 30-35 minutes and will require filling out a pen-and-paper questionnaire, engaging in a semi-structured interview with me, and completing a National Hearing Test. You will be able to choose a day and time to participate in either June or early July. This study has been approved by an Institutional Review Board and all testing will take place in a public meeting area. If you have any questions pertaining to me or my study or want to participate, please feel free to contact me at Thank you so much.

Would you like to contribute to our program? 

Next year we will need judges for various competitions, readers/editors for Regeneron STS papers, and viewers/critics of our PowerPoint presentations.  If you feel you could help in any way, please contact our director, Stephanie Greenwald, at  We will also be reaching out to parents and alumni in the fall. Thanks for your continued support of our students. Your input is greatly valued by all.