
September 13,ย  2023 (Color)

The question I choose to guide me for my connection of color is "What things remind me of brown?"

The plan I have for my art work is to make it more old so put some coffee on it then make a collage the once finish burn some ends or burn before I put the collage on them and I'm going to give it texture as well.

September 20, 2023

(What things are working for you in your artwork?)ย 

The things that are working for me in my artwork are the way the watercolor of brown worked as good as coffee, and the way the circle of shades of brown are turning out, and that I got more magazines cut out to put on my artwork.ย 

October 11, 2023

ย (How are you connecting with this prompt?ย  How are you challenging yourself for this piece?ย  What kind of experience do you hope the viewer has?ย  Why?)

I am connecting to this prompt by making something that stands out and invites me in. I am trying to see how my watercolor skills will do. I hope the viewers feel it as a calm art piece.ย 

October 18, 2023

ย (In what way(s) do you feel you are already seeing your growth as a maker, creator or artist?)

The way I feel I'm already growing is learning what you can do with water color because I am learning how to blend and paint with it. I do enjoy using it since it can be shaded simpler and since I prefer to do stuff that has to do with shading and different shades of color.

November 1,ย  2023 (Texture Collage)

"What do you like about working this way?ย  What is challenging you"

I like the idea I thought of which is a rose with real grass and cotton as clouds. The part that is challenging for me is coming up with what else I could add if I was to add more.

November 8,ย  2023 (Meow Wolf)

Describe the inspiration for your โ€œMeow Wolf Memoriesโ€ Artwork.ย  What are you creating based on this inspiration?ย ย 

The inspiration I had was like a tv from the older times and it had a tornado in a city taking the wires out, cars and houses as well. The thing I'm creating is a tornado taking over a farm and I'm using clear resistance to make what I'm going to make.ย 

November 15,ย  2023 (Meow Wolf)

I somewhat stayed on track I changed my work into Christmas type themed then , and my work can be displayed on a table.ย 

December 13,ย  2023 (Final)

The artist I find myself connecting with is Heesoo Lee .ย  The imagery I see in their work includes layers, nature, and clay. ย  The artist's use of the element clay is very interesting the way that ย she works with it, since her art is layered but isn't bulky which is what I like, and the way she glazes her art. ย  The process that this artist used that most intrigues me is putting layers over layers of underglaze. This process intrigues me because I like the way her art turns out and how she uses glaze to give her layers..ย  I enjoy this artist's work because the way she hads layers in her work and how her work is mostly nature inspired and personally I love nature.

January 10,ย  2024

Second semester is started and I don't know what to write about. Why are goldfish called goldfish if they are orange? A art piece I can possibly do about the goldfish question is draw a goldfish that's orange but the skin is pulled back a little and the under skin is a golden color.

January 18,ย  2024

I'm making a goldfish on a canvas and the type of message I want people to get from it is under all the skin and looks there's beauty within.ย  The way my idea changed is I am making it on a canvas

January 31,ย  2024

My idea is from underwater animals point of view and its our human secret and the underwater animals are asking themselves what's in the light and it'll be either sharks or turtles as the underwater animal and they'll be going towards the light.

February 14,ย  2024

I liked how we could take time and see the artist point of view from the art. I would say Allie's or Haley's I say this because Haley has nature in hers and Allie has a sun which could match the sun light that the turtles are going towards.

March 7, 2024

My collection piece is having to do with nature I found an image as my reference and I'm adding some stuff. This artwork is not complete yet

April 10, 2024

This piece I've made was a piece started in our field trip!!ย  It started off with a sunset and I didn't know what to add so I added little mountains and didn't know how to give it a watery affect so I tried my best on trying to give it a water affect.

May 1, 2024

This art piece I'm working on is a mixed media of watercolor, paint, and a sketch/pen and 4 corner will have nothing on them. So far I like how it is turning out, and look forward to see what come.ย