Guiding Highlights: Coping Through With Skills and Sleep Hygiene

Back to School: The struggle is real!

Some things are worth repeating! Change can be exciting but also overwhelming. As we have entered the school building and prepare to set sail on a new school year we are re-sharing a coping skills crash course. Feel free to read through and take some tips for yourself or share with a peer. Then, check out the video on sleep hygiene !

Coping Skills Crash Course

The goal of these methods isnt necessarily to make you happy, it's to subside the negative thoughts/urges being experienced. Here a few crisis survival/distress tolerance skills you can use.

  1. Challenging negative thoughts: Challenge the thought you are feeling with a positive one. List proof for the positive thought and against the negative thought.

  1. Remember the acronym ACCEPTS

A: Action
Distract with an action (NOT A SELF SABOTAGING BEHAVIOR) such as playing a
a game, reading a book, talking to a friend, etc. You can also try something more
therapuetic like writing a letter to yourself or journal.

*NOTE: Self sabotaging behavior can include self harm, alchohol/drug use, and
excessive stress eating.

C: Contribute
Do something that benefits others like volunteering, making a gift for someone,
or sending a kind message to a friend.
C: Compare
Compare this experience to a similar one. You have gotten through this before,
you can do it again!

E: Emotions
Create new, positive emotions by doing something like watching a funny video or
listening to uplifting music.

P: Pushing Away
Visualize putting your negative thoughts in a box and stowing it away on a shelf.
Out of sight, out of mind.

T: Thoughts
Replace your negative thoughts. Do a math or word puzzle, count things, list
colors, or list number sequences like powers of three or fibonacci.

S: Sensation
Intensify other sensations by doing something such as taking taking a hot or cold
shower, holding ice, squeezing a stress ball, or playing with putty.

  1. Remember the acronym TIPPS.

T: Temperature
Hold some ice, take a hot or cold shower, alternate running water or cold water
on your hands.

I: Intense exercise
Go to the gym, go on a run, do some push ups or situps.

P: Paced breathing
Count out slow, deep breath making sure your exhale is longer than your inhale.

P: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
Go head to toe or toe to head and indivudally tense/tighten each muscle part as
much as you can before relaxing it and moving on to the next.

  1. The 5 senses + movement

Vision: Look at things to help calm yourself down. Flip through some pictures or
look at the sunset.

Hearing: Listen to calming noise, like rain or ocean sounds, play your favorite music,
or sing or play an instrument.

Smell: Sniff at some soap, coffee, spices or any scent you like.

Touch: Pet an animal, play with putty, splash water on your face or use a cool damp

Taste: Eat some of your favorite food or sip on your favorite tea or soda.

Movement: Stretch, do yoga, go for a walk/run, exercise, rock yourself gently or dance.

  1. Create a pros and cons list:

Write out the pros and cons of engaging in the negative urge. Indentify each pro and con as either short term (S) or long term (L).

Sleep Hygiene is super important and will make the transition of returning to school a lot smoother.