This Moose Belongs To Me

read Aloud

Watch the video and follow along as I read the book This Moose Belongs To Me by Oliver Jeffers!

Follow along with the before, during, and after reading questions as we go.

What animal would you want as a pet?

A whale, tiger, or monkey? Be creative and choose an animal you would want to have as a pet like Wilfred and Marcel the Moose. Give it a name and create your pet using open-ended materials you find around your house or classroom (markers, cardboard, paper, etc! Create Your Own Pet Animal Ideas


Add to the FlipGrid and create a short video of yourself explaining what animal you would like to have as a pet. Tell me where the animal would live, what it eats, and how you would take care of it.

Guest password: Creativity


Use the creative movements below to follow along with the poem as you read It aloud.