World History

Research Paper

This guide is for students in Ms. Dailey's, Ms. Thorne's, and Mr. Donnelly's World History Classes who are working on the World History Research Paper.

library databases:

  • Use the usernames and passwords to login

  • Keyword Search or browse for an article on your topic

  • Export at least one article to Google Drive


General Research

Current Events

Database Tutorials:

WH Research Paper - Database Review

How to: Search For an Article and Cite It!

How to: Create and Write a Note Card

recommended websites:

Citations, notecards, & outline:

NoodleTools is a research and citation management system.

Use it to make your works cited, note cards, and outline.

For Access:

  1. Go to the BVSD SSO:

  2. Select the NoodleTools Tile

  3. Log in and create a new project

    • Style: MLA / Level: Junior

  4. Share with a project inbox

  5. Start citing!