Birch Elementary School Counseling

What does a school counselor do?

School counselors provide education, prevention, and intervention in academics, career, and personal/social development for ALL students. Our focus is on the whole student and helping them be successful in school and in life. Counselors work with students in the classroom, in small groups, and individually to address their academic, career, and personal/social development. We also work with parents and teachers to help meet the needs of all of our students. School counselors are not therapists - we do not do long term therapy with students. However, counselors can meet with students to help them develop skills to deal with tough situations they may be facing at school or at home. Remember - school counselors meet with and help all students - students do not need to be on an IEP, 504, behavior plan, or be in trouble to meet with the counselor.

If you would like your student to meet with me or if you would like to set up a meeting to discuss how I can help you and your student please send me an email or fill out the referral form under the Contact Ms. Kerr page.

About Ms. Kerr

Hello Birch Bulldogs!

This is my 4th year as the school counselor at Birch elementary and 10th year as a counselor. I have the best job in the building being able to work with every student and staff member. I have worked elementary, middle, and high school and elementary students are hands down my favorite!

I received my Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Northern Colorado and my Master of Education in Counseling from the University of Missouri - St. Louis.