Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that holds many parts of your child's academic work from the various parts of our day.  Students create, reflect, share, and collaborate using photos, videos, drawings, texts, PDFs, and links.  You will be able to receive email notifications, access your child's online work right from your phone or computer.

We will be using Seesaw in our classroom this year.  Be on the lookout for information home to connect to your child's account. If you have any difficulty connecting to your child's account, please contact Mrs. Furr via email ( to receive a new QR code.  You are going to LOVE seeing your child's work online or right on your phone.  Once you receive notification about your child's account, please download the app below from the app store on your phone.  To learn about how the Seesaw family app works, watch the video below: