Meet The Teacher

Hi! I'm Mrs. Medwid.

I've taught 10th grade Global History at Baker for the past 8 years. Before that, I taught Global and AP Euro for 8 years at VVS high school. I love the B'ville community! My family and I live in the district and I have a daughter at Durgee and a son at Van Buren.

I grew up in Pennsylvania. I went to Syracuse University for undergrad, received a masters degree from Michigan State, and I'm currently taking classes again at SU. Always learning!

I love teaching history and keeping up with current events, spending time with my family (including our two mini-labradoodles), traveling (with and without students), sports, theater, yoga, and music. I spend my mornings before school running the streets of Baldwinsville and my evenings running the kids to their activities.

Curriculum night video coming soon!