I need help!

If your problem requires a quick text based answer:

1. google classroom: leave a private comment on the assignment you are working on

2. remind: send me a text

3. email: jmedwid@bville.org

Full Remote Learners can also email Doc Lambert at GLambert@bville.org

If you want more one on one help via google meet:

In order to work around my in person and online classes, and give you as many opportunities for face to face time as possible, I've created office hours through Calendly (click here if there is not box below). All you have to do is pick a length (10 or 30 minutes) and then pick a day/time. This immediately sends a request to my email and adds to my calendar and hopefully also sends you a google meet link. If you signed up, you're all set... just click the link at the selected time.