Greetings from the computer labs at Bon Air (K-3) and Stewart (4-5) Elementary Schools in the Burrell School District. My name is Mrs. Melinda Kulick and I am honored to be your child's technology teacher. As a parent, educator and industry professional, I believe that every child should be equipped with a positive attitude and age-appropriate knowledge and skills to support their successful achievement using technology as a tool for learning. The approach to learning in elementary technology will be project-based, hands-on and immersive so that all students have the opportunity to make connections to their educational, personal and professional futures. Core values instilled in all grade level technology curriculum follow a positive mindset, perseverance, creativity, collaboration and communication.

Integrating my educational backgrounds in business, multimedia and education, curriculum is developed with the mindset that no matter the task, all students independently and cooperatively can learn. This site will be dynamic and maintained throughout the year so that communication remains open between school and home. If you are interested in learning more about me my background, please visit the About page.

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