
History and Geography

Get your daily exercise and a healthy dose of fresh air by taking a history and geography walk from the bottom of Crow Bank, through the Hall Grounds and Richardson Dees Park to the top of the Arboretum at ending at the Coast Road. Along the way, you’ll see nearly twenty information panels researched, designed and commissioned by Burnside students in 2011 using money from the Heritage Lottery Fund. You’ll find out some amazing facts and stories about Wallsend’s fabulous and unique History, as well as getting an understanding of the way that green spaces in towns can be used for redevelopment and conservation. A great way to be inspired by the achievements of past Burnside students while enjoying an informative walk through Wallsend’s amazing green spaces!

This Week in History
Wallsend History Hunt

Religious Studies

For religious studies, taking time out everyday to relax your mind and calm your brain is a wonderful way to help you stay in touch with your thoughts and help you be at peace with yourself, to help bring you some inner peace and tranquility. A good way to do this can be to practice mediation and use breathing exercise to calm your soul and mind. Another way is to use colouring, though mindful colouring exercises. These can all be useful ways to help you if you are feeling anxious or worried.