Construction Updates 2016-2017

The following projects have been awarded to contractors by the Board of Education.

All projects began June 20 and should reach substantial completion by the end of August. Of course, there are times when construction does not go as planned. The community will be kept apprised of the timelines as we proceed into the summer.

  • Hopkins Toilet Rooms, near H109 and near the gym - PICTURES

  • Hopkins Front Loop and Front Parking Lot Resurfacing - PICTURES

  • Young School D Wing Toilet Rooms - PICTURES

  • Young School Gym Roof, E wing Roof, C wing roof, B wing roof - PICTURES

  • High School Track Resurfacing and Field Drainage - PICTURES

  • High School M and C Hall Toilet Room Renovation - PICTURES

  • High School Weight Room Renovation - PICTURES

The construction will have some impact on our district:

  • YMCA Camp Adventure will be housed at Fountain Woods this year instead of Young School

  • The Young School main office may have to relocate for a period of time to another building

  • The track and field will not be available all summer

  • The first home football game is scheduled for September 30.