Forgotten Items

  • Families may drop off forgotten items at the office door.

  • Make sure to label with the student & teacher name using the blue tape and Sharpe available.

  • Mrs. Pape will email the teacher regarding the item.

  • Please make sure to talk your students about checking the front office for forgotten items. As we do not interrupt lessons to call classes regarding forgotten items.

How can you help us prioritize focused instruction?

1. Arrive at school on time. Tardy arrivals are the bulk of most classroom interruptions and arriving on time helps your child have a calm and smooth start to their day.

2. Send extra rain gear with students in their backpacks rather than dropping off items. We highly recommend stocking backpacks with extra shoes, socks, possibly even pants for little ones, and raincoats. Raincoats are far more effective and safer than umbrellas on stormy days.

3. Forgot an instrument? Of course, we welcome instrument drop-off- we want our Lions to fully access their music instruction! However, we won't interrupt the classroom for forgotten items. Talk with your student so they know to automatically check in the office if they've forgotten their instrument on the way to band class.

4. Please talk with your students about checking for forgotten items (i.e. lunches) in the office. We won't interrupt the classroom to notify students about lunches waiting in the office.

Thank you for helping us to support your children with focused classrooms here at Lincoln!