Campus Expectations

Be Safe

Be Kind

Be Ethical

PBIS Posters for Lincoln 6.2020.pdf


Students must avoid playing in the bathrooms or in unsupervised areas of the school​.

Students should enter and exit the bathroom on the playground side only.

Students stay within sight of recess supervisors.

Students must remain within painted yellow-line areas of the playground.

Students should play outside tree planters.

Students must eat their snacks in the Snack Zone.

Students must use balls in the Ball Zone.

Students need to keep balls away from the two upper areas of ​​the playground.

Supervisors will open Ray Park field when we have enough staff/volunteer supervision.

Students should immediately take a knee when supervisors blow the first whistle.

Students should kneel quietly until the second whistle blows.

Students must walk to and from the playground when forming classroom lines


S​tay Seated

P​ay Attention

I​nside Voices

K​eep It Clean

E​at Calmly

Go to the bathroom before coming into the lunchroom.

Students must ask permission to get up from the lunch tables.

No seconds on lunch.

When the chime rings, be quiet immediately. This is time to finish up eating and begin to pack up and clean your area.

Students remain at their lunch tables until an adult releases the entire table.

Walk into the MPR & out of the MPR to form class lines.