31st National Statistics Month - Digital Poster Making Contest

The month of October every year was declared as the National Statistics Month. Given the celebration of the 31st National Statistics Month with the theme of “Bridging Digital Gaps: Making Information Available to All,” the Mathematics Society conducted an online digital poster-making competition last October 2020 for all BS-Mathematics students.

Started from the last 14th to the 18th day of October 2020, the promotion of the competition took place through a social media platform – Facebook. Then, online voting happened from October 28 to 30, 2020.

Faculty members of the Mathematics department were the judges of the competition. The announcement of winners was announced last November 7, 2020, in the middle of the webinar series wherein the second project of the Mathematics Society. The organization was proud to present the winners of the digital poster competition to the audience. They received cash prizes: 500 pesos for the first place, 300 pesos for the second place, and 200 pesos for third place.