Embracing Differences

True educational equity is about providing learning environments where all students feel a sense of belonging and purpose in school.

There remains a great deal of apprehension and uncertainty in our country as we move forward in life amidst a pandemic. However, just as life seemed to be moving in a more positive direction, we were hit again by a virus of another type, one that has plagued our nation for generations—racism.  The amount of anger, anguish, and unrest many Americans are feeling has reached epidemic levels. Our young people are watching and learning. The question is, what are we teaching them? Are we ensuring that Bullitt County Public Schools embraces all diversities, cultures and backgrounds? As a part of our Core Values, Embracing Differences is one of our six goals for student success.  

As a School District, how do we support equity for youth? 

As a Parent, how do you talk about equity to your child? 

Talk about it: Be their information filter. Children may come to harmful conclusions about race when it is not talked about openly. Keep in mind that if your tweens/teens aren’t hearing about it from you, you can rest assured they are hearing it from others who may not share your family’s same morals and values.  

Keep the conversation calm and factual: Children take cues from their parents. You do not have to be void of emotion, but do not allow anger, frustration, or sadness to overshadow the message you are trying to get across to your child. Share the truth but keep it age-appropriate.

Validate their feelings: This will look different for every child. Some may fear for themselves, friends, or family members, or they may fear the riots they are witnessing on TV. It is important to acknowledge whatever anxieties, anger, or other negative emotions that may come up for them.

Encourage questions: It can sometimes be challenging to engage young people in conversation, especially when the topic is uncomfortable. However, if you give them space and help them feel comfortable, they might surprise you.

While it is true that we don’t have to have all the answers, we can and should take steps to educate ourselves so that we can best teach our children. It is also critical to be aware that as parents, our words and actions on race weigh heavily on the influence of our children. Also remember that a parent’s inaction carries as much weight as their action. Consider these 24 Character traits as an adult and parent. 

The bottom line is this, have a conversation with your children now, whatever that looks like in your family. It’s ok if you don’t have all the answers. Simply do your best to answer with empathy, compassion, and honesty, and consider it an opportunity to learn together with your child. Open the lines of communication on this topic, and keep it going. Consider these age-appropriate tips on how to start a conversation about race. 

As a Staff Member, what can you do to advocate and take care of yourself? 

As a Black Student, Staff or Community Member, what can BCPS do to support you?

Race and Equity Resources

Resources for Kids and Teens



Want to share your story?  

Please contact us.  We want to hear your concerns, stories, and experiences.  Please contact Sarah Smith at sarah.smith@bullitt.kyschools.us or call 869-8150.