Education Reporting

In my work with The Boston Globe Newton and GOOD Morning Wilton, I made education reporting a priority -- centering student and teacher voices.

Attending Board of Ed meetings, interviewing teachers about their fears returning to school during the COVID-19 pandemic, covering students pushing for racial equity and mental health support are just a few of the topics I covered I am most proud to have reported.

The Boston Globe Newton Section

Covering Board of Education meetings was part of my regular reporting job at GOOD Morning Wilton during Summer 2020. I reported the BOE's school reopening decision making process from start to finish -- never missing a BOE meeting or subcommitte meeting over three months time. On deadline, I turned often 1,000+ word articles summarizing key arguments about COVID-19 reopening and more to be published that night.

I interviewed school health professionals, public health professionals, teachers and the superintendent of schools. On one occassion, I reported from my car using the town's emergency wifi hot spot, when more than half the town, including myself, was out of power for a week.

Lastly, education features were also a key highlight -- and often the most rewarding and interesting -- pursuit of my reporting. Often, in my pitching and interviewing, I took care to specifically highlight student and teacher perspectives.