
Advance Cash or Check Payments

OPTION #1: CASH ON ACCOUNT -- A cash debit account is created by making a payment of a certain dollar amount ($5.00, $10.00, $20.00, etc) to the cafeteria. These funds are then deposited into the student's debit account and are available when the student purchases meals and/or a la carte foods in the cafeteria. There are no limitations as to what may be purchased or how many purchases can be made. The account balance simply decreases as purchases take place.

OPTION #2: PREPAID MEALS ONLY -- Monies put on account can be designated for student meals only. No snacks or a la carte food items can be purchased with this payment. Students would need to pay cash for any snack or a la carte items being purchased. To calculate, determine the number of meals to purchase and then multiply by the price of the meal. Meal prices are listed above. Any number of meals may be purchased at one time.

OPTION #3: BOTH: PREPAID MEALS AND CASH ON ACCOUNT - Parents/guardians may purchase Prepaid Meals and put "cash on account". This option ensures that the student receives a lunch and allows him or her to purchase a la carte foods as well. However, there are no limitations as to what foods may be purchased a la carte, or how many a la carte purchases can be made. When making a payment for both, it is necessary for the parent/guardian to state clearly how much money is for prepaid meals and how much is for "cash on account".