In 2022, all students at James Sheahan will have access to a new program, enhancing and enriching their learning.

REACH - Rise, Engage, Achieve, Consolidate, Holistic

Every Wednesday morning, REACH sessions (8.53 - 9.30am) will be held. They are a collaborative effort from all staff and are based on the CEDB Professional Learning Community guidelines.

Once a fortnight, Year 7 - 10 students will be organised into Enhancement groups, based on the results of formative assessments, to consolidate and extend their classroom learning. Year 11 and 12 students will be organised into various study sessions.

Each alternate fortnight, students will attend an Enrichment session of their choice, where there will be opportunities to be involved in specialised areas of interest, with links to literacy, numeracy and wellbeing.


A chance to choose and participate in activities of interest. Student positioning in their chosen group is dependent on group availability as well as displaying individual consistent, positive behaviour and attitude.

TERM 1: Week 2 (2/2), 4 (16/2), 8 (16/3), 10 (30/3)

(Week 6 (2/3) Ash Wednesday)

TERM 2: Week 2 (4/5), 4 (18/5), 6 (1/6), 8 (15/6), 10 (29/6)

TERM 3: Week 2 (27/7), 4 (10/8), 6 (24/8), 8 (7/9), 10 (21/9)

TERM 4: Week 2 (19/10), 4 (2/11), 6 (16/11), 8 (30/11), 10 (14/12)


Organised groupings focused on consolidation and extension of knowledge and skills being studied in class.

TERM 1: Week 3 (9/2), 5 (23/2), 7 (9/3), 9 (23/3)

(Week 11 (6/4) - Easter Celebration - Roll Call)

TERM 2: Week 1 (27/4), 3 (11/5) , 7 (8/6) , 9 (22/6)

(Week 5 (25/5)- Wellbeing/ Character Strengths - Roll Call Groups)

TERM 3: Week 1 (20/7) , 3 (3/8) , 5 (17/8), 9 (14/9)

(Week 7 (31/8) - Sheahan Day Preps - Year Groups)

TERM 4: Week 1 (12/10), 3 (26/10), 5 (9/11), 7 (23/11)

(Week 9 (7/12)- House Lipsync Preps - House Groups)