Norwich Instructional Technology Vision
Norwich Instructional Technology Vision
The vision for technology at Norwich City School District is to provide an equitable approach that cultivates a culture in which all members of the NCSD community utilize technology to create and teach in a way that encourages all members to reach high levels of proficiency in critical thinking, collaboration and innovation skills, and calls on students to be college, career and entrepreneurial ready.
The vision for technology at Norwich City School District is to provide an equitable approach that cultivates a culture in which all members of the NCSD community utilize technology to create and teach in a way that encourages all members to reach high levels of proficiency in critical thinking, collaboration and innovation skills, and calls on students to be college, career and entrepreneurial ready.
Norwich CSD Technology Plan 2022-2025
Norwich CSD Technology Plan 2022-2025
Goal #1:
Create adaptable learning environments while developing and implementing innovative classrooms by incorporating STEAM based methods and practices into our teaching and learning.
Goal #2:
Create equitable access and technology-rich learning environments through the implementation of grounded practices outlined within the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency (NYSCSDF) Standards.
Goal #3:
Design and facilitate professional learning experiences that focus on engagement, data analysis and learner centered technology.
**To view the entire Instructional Technology Plan click here**
Educational Technology Coaches
Educational Technology Coaches
How Can We Support You?
How Can We Support You?
- Create assessments & collect data with ease
- Prepare you and your students for Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
- Explore new technology to enhance your lessons
- Find time-saving solutions for you and your classroom
- Offer coaching on all things intructional technology!