Fired- UP Fridays:
Monthly Youth Gathering of Faith and Fun for FREE

Hosted and Coordinated by BSYC   in partnership with the Southwest Youth Ministry Collaborative of Catholic Parishes and Schools. 

April 19/  El 19 de Marzo
5:00PM - 7:45 PM

Next Fired Up Friday April 19, 2024

Guest Speaker

Mia Cornelius
St. Simon of Cyrene

Live DJ

Sonido Monarca

Live Music Band

Miguel Vizcarra/ Adrian Esparza
and their Music bands

Description/ Descripcion

Fired Up Friday is an initiative of a group of Catholic Schools and Parishes, organized by BSYC, that brings together young people of the Southwest side of Chicago once a month to build community, have fun, be inspired by dynamic witness talks and be moved by the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic Adoration.  The objective of Fired Up Fridays is to inspire young people to engage in faith and parish life before we lose them in Confirmation or Catholic School Graduation.  There is live worship music, free food, basketball, volleyball, and an hour of DJ.  All of this FREE for our young people thanks to the support of partners like Dominican University, Lilly Foundation, BSYC donors/supporters, and the generosity of ministries like Sergio's Sound, Victor CAM, Lit Lighting, Pascual's DJ Ministry and more.  Help us keep this event FREE for our young people of the Southwest side of Chicago.  Together let us contribute in the renewal of our Church; one young person at a time.  All we need to do is bring them to Christ.  He will do the rest! 

DONATE NOW and join the wave of renewal! 

Schedule, Days, and Times/ Horario, Dias, y Tiempos

The event will be happening the first Friday of most months:

Registration and Entrance Fee/ Aplicacion al Programa y Costo

As a BSYC Program, this monthly event is completely free for all young people grades 7th - 12th, who want to deepen their relationship with Christ and His ChurchWe encourage Faith-based Schools and Religious Ed Programs to register your young people to attend these monthly gatherings.  IT'S FREE to FIRE UP your young people!   

Kids can only be registered through their Catholic School, Parish RE or Ministry.  Talk with your coordinator. 

Requirements and Parent Commitment/ Requerimiento y compromiso de papas

2. Parents MUST leave their kids between 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM on assigned sidewalk drop-offs around the building. We cannot accept any child before 5 PM.  If your child is dropped before 5 PM, your child will need to be waiting outside until 5 PM.  Volunteers with security vests will be there to receive your kids and guide them to the entrance of the building. 

3. MUST be on time! The Program will start exactly at 5:45 PM and the doors, for safety reasons will close at 6:00 PM. 

4. Parents can stay at the event if they desire, but MUST be willing to commit as a volunteer for the night with the approval of the School or Parish.  Steps to sign up as volunteer, a) Complete our Online Fired-UP Volunteer Application Form, b) If approved by your parish or school, you will receive confirmation of approval by BSYC to stay and volunteer. 

5. Parents MUST come and pick up their kids between 7 PM - 7:45 PM. The building will close exactly at 8 PM.  

Description of the Program/ Descripcion del Programa

The goal of these nights is to gather young people (grades 7th - 12th) in an ongoing basis (once a month) from all corners of Pilsen, Little Village, and North Lawndale so that through quality production of dynamic live music, talks, prayer, and social fun, we can inspire love, hope, and faith in their lives, sparking the fire of the Holy Spirit in them so they may spread the Joy in Christ throughout our Schools, Parishes, Homes, and Communities.

Major Outcomes of the Program/ Metas del Programa

1. Young people from all around our neighborhoods, parishes, and schools are building community in a safe, positive, faithful environment

2. Catholic Parish RE programs, and Catholic Schools see a stronger culture of engaged faith and positive energy within their young people who are constantly being reenergized at Fired Up events.

3. Young people are being inspired to get involved in their parish youth ministry programs, and parishes see an increase in youth participation

4. Families see a more positive change in their young people who are brining Christ's vibe back to their homes. 

Parent Consent/ Consentimiento del Padre de Familia

I understand that we, the parents/guardians, are responsible for the transportation of my child to and from the event on the specific times mentioned for drop-off and Pick-up. I understand and consent to pictures and video being taken at the event, including all participants, for the purpose of promotion and marketing of the event and Blessed Sacrament Youth Center.  Food will not be provided so make sure your child comes fed. There will be snacks and drinks on sale.   My child, through my direction and guidance, will be responsible for choosing the food items best to eat according to his/her health. In consideration of allowing my child to participate in this event, I indemnify and hold harmless the organizers, staff, and volunteers involved in this event from any and all liability.  I realize and accept that in the event of my child’s behavior affects the safety of the event, the organizers and chaperones reserve the right to return my child home.  

Podcast about Fired Up Friday

Chicago Catholic editor Joyce Duriga interviews Jesus "Chuy" DeLeon about Fired Up Friday's at the Blessed Sacrament Youth Center in North Lawndale. 

Help Us Keep Fired UP Friday Free for Young People

Join the movement of FIRED UP supporters who are passionate about offering high quality faith formation programs free for our young people of the Southwest Side of Chicago.  

This is for site coordinators who want to complete a group registration form for their parish, school, or organization