Issues Currently Redressing

YPAR CT Introductions (slide deck)

Community Time Introductions 2023-2024

Queer Liberation at Edmunds Middle School 

Issue: Teachers have a lack of training, experience, and knowledge about how to teach about the LGBTQ community which makes it hard to teach about the LGBTQ community.

Planned Action: Data Collection from the impacted community is in process.

Project Road Map

Racial Liberation at Edmunds Middle School

Issue: The Burlington School District has difficulty retaining the Global Majority staff. The staff of the Global Majority doesn’t feel their ideas are valued because they have differing world views from their colleagues and the district decision-makers.

Planned Action: Currently Collecting data from the staff of the global majority in the school disctict.

Project Road Map

Gender Liberation at Edmunds Middle School 

Issue: Fem-identifying students have more mental health issues because of the high expectations placed on them by society. They feel like they have to be perfect to be accepted.

Planned Action: In Process

Project Road Map

Inequitable Grading Practices 

Issue: The current grading and assessment practices are inequitable for students with disabilities, people with lower socioeconomic status,  black and brown students, and English learners

Planned Action: Advocate for a change in the grading process that is founded in the principles of UDL and Grading for Equity

Student/Staff Presentation (link)

Representation of Black and Brown Excellence Outside of Black History Month

Issue: Our school and schools in general do not do enough to show the amazing contributions of black and brown people. The stories that are told are about sadness and overcoming not excellence.

Planned Action: Creation of posters to be placed and presented in our school community and shared with other schools across the country.   

Posters (link)

Food Insecurity

Issue: Adults at our school assume that kids' food needs are being met because they have a school-provided lunch and breakfast at predetermined times. Student hunger is leading to issues in academic performance, causing behavioral issues, and contributing to chronic absences and tardies.

Planned Action: Assure that food is made available for all students in every classroom. 

Student/Staff Presentation (link)