A University of Vermont and Edmunds Middle School Collaborative Effort

8th Grade Team

Rory Jones 

Rory is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of ableism. 

Sophia Ambroggio

Sophia is an 8th grader on team evolution and is working on redressing systemic issues of ableism. 

Oscar Jacobson

 Oscar is an 8th grader on team evolution  and is working on redressing systemic issues of racial discrimination.

Sage Wyndorf

Sage is an 8th grader on team infinity  and is working on redressing systemic issues of racial discrimination.

Danika Giri

Danika is an 8th grader on team phoenix  and is working on redressing systemic issues of gender discrimination.

Penelope deRosset

Penny is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of gender discrimination.

Trudy Farrell

Trudy is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of LGBTQIA+ discrimination.

Grace Maley

Grace is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of LGBTQIA+ discrimination.

Chris Thompson

Chris is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of  Bullying and Well Being

Elizabeth Cunningham

Elizabeth is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of  Bullying and Well Being

Megan Goldsmith

Megan is an 8th grader on team infinity and is working on redressing systemic issues of  Bullying and Well Being

Quin Gonell

Quin is a researcher and Phd student at the University of Vermont.  This is his fourth year of YPAR at EMS and fourth co-facilitating the YPAR action team.  

Lizzy Clements

Jeremy DeMink

Jeremy is a 7th/8th grade social studies teacher on Team Infinity.  This is his  third year co-facilitating the YPAR action team.  

Dr. Lance Smith