In band at RHMS your student will learn how to play a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. Throughout the year these new skills will be showcased through concerts and events. Students do not need to have any musical or instrumental background to join band. We will start at the very beginning! We will help your student pick out an instrument to learn and we will teach them everything they need to know. Since band is a class during the regular school day, it does not conflict with any after school activities – like sports or clubs. We have students in band who participate in every sport and club at RHMS! To join the band you can contact the band director, Mrs. Maish, directly at

The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band classes meet during the day to rehearse and prepare for concerts and events. There are no before or after school obligations for students participating in these band classes. We do offer optional after school opportunities for band members. More information will be given for those opportunities in our class period.