Brunswick, Maine

COVID Chronicles Brunswick, Maine is a place to capture and share our experiences of living through the Pandemic through a variety of art forms (poetry, photography, video diary, stories, etc.) while also creating a digital time capsule for the future. We invite the entire Brunswick High School community to become involved in this meaningful community project where YOU are the primary source!

Submissions to this digital archive will capture this tumultuous time period and provide first-hand accounts of our journey for posterity. There are many topic categories including Pandemic Pets, The Great Outdoors, Pandemic Pastimes, and Quarantine Quests! In addition, there are categories to encourage research on COVID-19 Pandemic history, statistics, and science.

Click on the Submission & Release form at the bottom of each page to submit your story, artwork, photography, poem, song, video, etc. and we'll post it here under one of the categories! We hope you'll become part of COVID Chronicles Brunswick, Maine!