Special's Team Events

Specials Team Events for 2023 - 2024

Promoting Character and offering Enrichment through the Arts


September: Character Challenge
Thursday September 28th 2023

Our annual Middle School Character Challenge, facilitated by Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center, will be held Thursday September 28th in
the Multi Purpose Gym.  Students will have the opportunity to get reacquainted with their classmates while working together in teams to problem solve how to complete various tasks. The ultimate goal being not how well the task is completed but how well the team works together to solve the problem."

October 1st - October 30th:
Our annual “Tamarac food drive” to benefit Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry is on! Bring in a food Item and give it to your
1st period class teacher. The food drive will run From October 3rd until November 4th. The class that collects the most items per person (the number of donated items divided by the number of students in your class) will participate in a make your own sundaes Ice Cream Social in the middle school cafeteria on Friday November 3rd 9th period. This event show cases our students participation in good citizenship, respect and responsibility as members of their community.

Flags In honor of and in memory of Veterans
Will be displayed in the lobby for the month of November. Students and staff are welcome to participate.

The Mop and Bucket Company will be holding 5 workshops with the 7th grade students on developing skits portraying “character education situations.” This will be held Tuesday March 26th periods  1, 2, 4, 5,  and 8 (In Mrs. Satalinos English classes).
Wednesday January 27th, 9th period in the auditorium, selected 7th grade students will perform for the middle school.  (Students will be called down toward the end of 8th period). The snow date will be Thursday March 28th.

Specials Team Events for 2022 - 2023

Promoting Character and offering Enrichment through the Arts


September: Character Challenge
Our annual Middle School Character Challenge, facilitated by Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center, will be held Thursday September 22nd in the Multi Purpose Gym.  Students will have the opportunity to get reacquainted with their classmates while working together in teams to problem solve how to complete various tasks. The ultimate goal being not how well the task is completed but how well the team works together to solve the problem."
This event promotes respect, responsibility and social intelligence.

October 3rd - November 4th:
Our annual “Tamarac food drive” to benefit Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry is on! Bring in a food Item and give it to your
1st period class teacher. The food drive will run From October 3rd until November 4th. The class that collects the most items per person (the number of donated items divided by the number of students in your class) will participate in a make your own sundaes Ice Cream Social in the middle school cafeteria on Wednesday November 9th 9th period. (The study hall that is in the cafeteria 9th period will move to a different location). This event show cases our students participation in good citizenship, respect and responsibility as members of their community.

February 13th-16th
Zorkie Nelson African Drumming Workshops and Performance
Zorkie Nelson will hold workshops on traditional Ghanaian West African Music with grades 6, 7 & 8 Monday through Thursday. On Thursday some of the students, Zorkie and Zorkie's performance group will perform for the entire middle school in the auditorium 9th period.
Learning Targets/Outcomes:
Students will learn about drumming and other percussion techniques, African history and culture connections with music, dancing and its place in culture. Zorkie will tie our character education initiatives, respect, responsibility, honesty, social intelligence and citizenship into his workshops by discussing the development of community and cooperation through music.

April 25th 2023
James Warren, Magic with a Message” anti-bullying assembly held in the district auditorium Tuesday April 25th. 6th, 7th and  8th grade will be from (start calling them down at 8:20) 8:30 - 9:10. The entire elementary (all grades) show will be from 9:30 - 10:10 in our auditorium.
Anti-Bullying Assembly https://www.magicassemblies.com/middle-and-high-school-assemblies/

In this anti-bullying school assembly program, James addresses the various types of bullying, why kids bully, and ways for students to deal with bullies. He stresses that “telling is not tattling.” Students need to recognize that informing the teacher or other adult about bullying behavior is not “tattling,” but a crucial intervention to help someone.

This school assembly also addresses the role of peer-pressure in bullying behaviors, since so often it is a group of kids abusing a single individual. James encourages students to be willing to stand up to the group, or at least walk away, and not be led into bullying behaviors by their friends.
James Waren's program highlights all of our character education initiatives; respect, responsibility, honesty, social intelligence and citizenship.



Specials Team Events for 2021 - 2022

Promoting Character and offering Enrichment through the Arts


October: Respect Always Assembly
Rich Johns will be presenting to our middle school students October 5th periods 8 & 9 in the district auditorium.

Program Theme
To bring kindness, love and acceptance into the world every day.

Program Description

Coach Johns will share what inspired him to begin Act With Respect Always and where it is today. Stressing honesty, teamwork, empathy, kindness, love and acceptance, Rich strives to make everyone aware of their daily actions. He introduces to each audience the 99 and the 1, a personal character assessment plan. Speaking to mindfulness he hopes to have everyone constantly draw ‘reflection’ towards themselves to be as kind as possible. With this knowledge, each person can access their own character “score” every minute of every day. Act With Respect Always is for students, teachers, schools districts and communities.


October 6 - November 6:
Our annual “Tamarac food drive” to benefit Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry and our backpack program is on. Bring in a food Item and drop it in the box where you enter the building (auditorium lobby, main lobby and the 6th grade wing.) Please check the expiration date The food drive will run From October 1st until November 13.
Read the district page article here

Flags In honor of and in memory of Veterans
will be displayed in the lobby for the month of November.


March 10
Jared Campbell
Music in our schools month. Singer song writer Jared Campbell will perform to pre K - 12th grade students. Jared is known for delivering a positive message for personal success and promotes empathy kindness.


Specials Team Events for 2020 - 2021

Promoting character

Citizenship/Sportsmanship     Compassion     Honesty/Integrity    Self Control    Respect    

Fairness     Responsibility    Perseverance   Trustworthiness    Cooperation    

September: (Citizenship/Sportsmanship)

October:(compassion)Our annual “Tamarac food drive” to benefit Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry and our backpack program is on. Bring in a food Item and drop it in the box where you enter the building (auditorium lobby, main lobby and the 6th grade wing.) Please check the expiration date The food drive will run From October 1st until November 13.
Read the district page article here- https://www.brunswickcsd.org/article/328475?org=ES

December: (Honesty/Integrity) Arts in Ed program for 6th grade 12/11/20 (virtual)
Charles Smith - presentation "Body Mind Spirit" , workshop- "Becoming a Ninja". 
James Warren - presentation - Magic-Cadabra
Read the district page article here-     https://www.brunswickcsd.org/article/365885?org=ms

January: (Self Control)

February: (Respect)

March: (Fairness) Arts in Ed program for 6th grade 3/19/21 (virtual)
Jason Campbell - singer song writer specializing in promoting character education.
John Collins  - "The paper airplane guy" STEAM presentation on aerodynamics of paper airplane flying.
Read the district page article here-     https://www.brunswickcsd.org/article/424543?org=bcsd

April: (Responsibility)

May: (Perseverance)

June: (Cooperation) Arts in Ed program for 6th grade 6/11/21(in person)
Birds of Prey with Trish Marki; wildlife rehabilitator and educator.
Rona's Tales with Rona Leventhol; theatrical story telling.
Read the district page article here-

Specials Team Events for 2019 - 2020

Promoting character

Citizenship/Sportsmanship     Compassion     Honesty/Integrity    Self Control    Respect    

Fairness     Responsibility    Perseverance   Trustworthiness    Cooperation          


September: (Citizenship / sportsmanship) Character Challenge Friday September 20th in the multi purpose gym. Dykan Pond will be facilitating “Team and Trust Building” activities for the middle school.

6th grade will meet periods 1 & 6 (Amy Labshere- 1st period & 6thperiod, Mrs. Pecylack, and Ms. Findlay & Mr. Scalzi’s classes)

7th grade will meet periods 3 & 7 (Ms. Kolakowski, Mrs. Pecylack, Ms. Findlay & Mr. Scalzi’s classes)

8th grade will meet periods 4 & 8 (Mrs. Kolakowski, Mrs. Pecylack, and Ms. Findlay & Mr. Scalzi’s classes)

The other Specials that meet those periods will hold regular class.

October: (Compassion) our annual “Tamarac food drive” to benefit Brunswick Cares Community Food Pantry is on! Bring in a food Item and give it to your 1st period class teacher. The food drive will run From October 1st until November 1st. The class that collects the most items per person (the number of donated items divided by the number of students in your class) will participate in a make your own sundaes Ice Cream Social in the middle school cafeteria on Wednesday November 6th 9th period. (The study hall that is in the cafeteria 9th period will move to Ms. Findlay’s room).

November: (Honesty / Integrity)  Veteran day flags for students and staff to commemorate a veteran. These are In honor of and or in memory of and will be displayed in the lobby. Kristina Koonz will teach patriotic songs to her chorus students and this will be videoed and streaming in the lobby by the Maker Space.

December: (Self Control) TBA Holiday fun?

January: (Respect) The Mop and Bucket Company will be holding 5 workshops with the 7th grade students on developing skits portraying “character education situations.” ( no funding avaiable)

February: (Fairness)  TBA Black History month / Might be a good year to show the children’s march etc

March: (Responsibility) TBA music in our schools? (District wide event planned)

April: (Perseverance) TBA   Arts Performance? 

May: (trustworthiness)

June: (cooperation)