Art 6

6th Grade Art is a quarter year class that meets daily for 40 minutes for approximately 10 weeks
*Should you be quarantined or classes go virtual due to Covid, please check Google Classroom for updates and instruction for make up work.

518-279-4600 ext 1222


Sixth grade students will begin to develop an understanding of the process of making art. They will learn about the  elements of art and principals of design and how artist use these to organize works of art. Art history, critical analysis and art literacy are key terms considered in the development of the curriculum projects. Fostering art appreciation is a strong component of this course.  Various modalities will be explored. These may include but not be limited to, clay sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking and collage. This curriculum content will allow students to meet the minimum art competencies required for graduation from the middle school in accordance with the New York State Visual Arts Learning Standards. This content will also prepare students for the Commencement General Education Level. 


   Respect yourselves and others
Do your best. If you "care" it will be beautiful". Be kind and encouraging to your peers. Listen and watch during   instruction so all can benefit without distraction.
Respect your space and others
Please keep socially distant, wash hands, use hand sanitizer and help keep everyone safe. Do not touch other students supplies or belongings.
Respect learning
Attitude counts. Being creative means do something new and different. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Have fun!


Assessment will be judged by the use of a rubric with achievement levels of:

     Distinguished: Outstanding achievement; all criteria are met with a high level of effort and performance. 

     Proficient: Good achievement; Criteria are met fairly well 

     Competent: Average achievement; Criteria are met minimally 

     Needs Improvement: Criteria are not met

Other assessment strategies will also be utilized, such as self reflection, peer evaluation, and group or class critiques.


In School
Pencil (preferably a #2)
Handheld pencil sharpener

If we go Virtual-
To stay at home!
Sketchbook (9 X12 or larger)
Pencil & Sharpener
Thin black sharpie marker
Colored pencils
Colored markers
Glue stick


Please accept the invite to join.  Should you be quarantined you will be doing projects posted in google classroom.

Process components, Anchor Standards, Enduring understanding and Essential Questions

Visual Arts/Creating

Process Component: Investigate, Plan, Make
Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed.
Essential Question: What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking? How Does Collaboration expand the creative process?

Process Component: Investigate, Plan, Make
Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers shape artistic investigations, following or breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative artmaking goals.
Essential Question: How does knowing the contexts histories, & traditions of art forms help us create works of art & design? Why do artists follow or break from established traditions? How do artists determine what resources are needed to formulate artistic investigations?

Process Component: Investigate
Anchor Standard: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials, concepts, media, and art-making approaches.
Essential Question: How do artists work? How do artists and designers find a particular direction that is effective for their work? How do artists and designers learn from trial and error? 

Process Component: Investigate
Anchor Standard: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: Artists and designers balance experimentation and freedom with safety and responsibility while developing and creating artwork.
Essential Question: How do artists and designers care for and maintain materials, tools, & equipment? Why is it important for safety and health to understand and follow correct procedures in handling materials, tools, and equipment? What ethical considerations arise when artists use existing images in their work? What responsibilities come with the freedom to create?

Process Component: Investigate
Anchor Standard: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Enduring Understanding: People create, respond to, and interact with objects and places in ways that define, shape, enhance, and empower their lives.
Essential Question: How do objects, places, and design shape lives and communities? How do artists and designers determine goals for designing or redesigning objects, places, or systems? How do artists and designers create works that effectively communicate ideas or influence people's lives?

Process Component: Reflect, Refine, Continue
Anchor Standard: Refine and complete artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Artist and designers develop excellence through practice and constructive critique; and reflecting on, revising, and refining work over time.
Essential Question: What role does persistence play in revising, refining, and developing work? How do artists grow and become accomplished in art forms? How do personal reflection and group critique help us to develop more effective artistic work?

Visual Arts/Presenting

Process Component: Select, Preserve
Anchor Standard: Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding: Artists, collectors, curators, and other arts professionals consider a variety of criteria when analyzing and selecting objects, artifacts, and artwork for presentation and preservation.
Essential Question: How are artworks cared for and by whom? What criteria and methods are used to select work for preservation or presentation? Why do people value objects, artifacts, and artwork, and select them for presentation or preservation?

Process Component: Curate
Anchor Standard: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Enduring Understanding: Artists, curators and others arts professionals engage appropriate methods and resources when preparing artwork for presentation and preservation.
Essential Question: What factors and methods are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation? How does the presentation of artwork affect how the viewer perceives and interacts with the work?

Process Component: Share, Relate
Anchor Standard: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented communicate meaning and function as a record of social, cultural, and political experiences; resulting in the cultivating of appreciation and understanding.
Essential Question: What is the function of art museums, galleries, and other venues that display artwork? How does the presenting and sharing of objects, artifacts, and artworks influence and shape ideas, beliefs, and experiences? How do objects, artifacts, and artwork collected, preserved, or presented, cultivate appreciation and understanding?

Visual Arts/Responding

Process Component: Perceive
Anchor Standard: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness developed through engagement with art can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, and the world.
Essential Question: How do life experiences influence the way we relate to art? How does learning about art affect how we perceive the world? What can we learn from our responses to art?

Process Component: Analyze
Anchor Standard: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Visual imagery influences understanding of and responses to the world.
Essential Question: What is an image? Where and how do we encounter images in our world? How do images influence our views of the world?

Process Component: Interpret
Anchor Standard: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: People gain insights into meanings of artworks by engaging in the process of art criticism.
Essential Question: What is the value of engaging in the process of art criticism? How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text? How does knowing and using visual art vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art? 

Process Component: Evaluate
Anchor Standard: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: People evaluate art based on various criteria.
Essential Question: How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art? How and why might criteria vary? How is a personal preference different from an evaluation?

Visual Arts/Connecting

Process Component: Synthesize
Anchor Standard: Relate and synthesize knowledge and personal experiences to inspire and inform artistic work.
Enduring Understanding: Through art-making, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.
Essential Question: How does engaging in creating art enrich people's lives? How does making art attune people to their surroundings? How does art-making contribute to awareness and understanding of one's lives and the lives of others in the community?

Process Component: Relate
Anchor Standard: Investigate ways that artistic work is influenced by societal, cultural, and historical context and, in turn, how artistic ideas shape cultures past, present, and future.
Enduring Understanding: Works of art and design embody and influence the needs, desires, beliefs, traditions, and values of people within a culture.
Essential Question: How do works of art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? How do art and design enhance people's lives and influence culture?

Process Component: Interrelate, Extend
Anchor Standard: Investigate ways that artistic work is influenced by societal, cultural, and historical context and, in turn, how artistic ideas shape cultures past, present, and future.
Enduring Understanding: Generating and solving artistic problems prepares people to contribute to innovative solutions within a society or culture.
Essential Question: What is innovation and why is it important to the advancement of a society? How do knowledge and skills in the arts broaden career opportunities? In what ways do the ideas and creative approaches employed in the arts support innovation in other fields?