Class Schedule 


Emergency repairs - 1 Hour, 1/7, 1/21/, 2/6, 3/4

Don’t let simple mechanicals ruin an otherwise great ride. Come learn the basics of fixing flat tires, mending a broken chain and getting home on two wheels rather than two feet. Please bring your bicycle with you for hands-on instruction session. All ages are welcome, although we require all minors to be accompanied by an adult. 

Adjusting Brakes - 1 Hour, Cost- $20, 1/18, 1/30, 3/1 

Great brakes make for great rides! Stop by Browns’s Bicycles to learn how your brakes work and how to work on them. Please bring your bicycle along for some hands-on instruction. All ages are welcome, although we require all minors to be accompanied by an adult. 

Adjusting Gears - 1 Hour, Cost - $20, 1/11, 1/25

What do you do with all those gears?!?! Visit Brown’s Bicycles for an in depth class on when and how to shift as well as how to adjust your bicycles derailleurs. Bring your bike along for hands-on instruction. All ages are welcome, although we require minors to be accompanied by an adult.

Winter Riding Secrets - 1 Hour, Cost - Free, 1/9, 1/23, 2/27 

Stop into the store for a warm conversation on how to keep riding when the mercury drops. We will cover proper riding gear, riding equipment and the steps you can take at home to prepare your bicycle for riding in the cold. We will also tackle the barriers to those looking to commute by bicycle to school or work. 

Bike fit - 1 Hour, Cost - Free, 1/16, 1/30, 2/18

Both bicycles and human beings are complex machines. If you can fit it into your schedule, you should check out this in depth tutorial on the concepts of proper bike fit. We will be talking about the most common discomforts riders experience, and the fixes for those discomforts. We will also get into how to make yourself more efficient on the bicycle.  

Truing wheels - 1 Hour, Cost - Free, 2/8, 2/22

For many, wheels appear to be mysterious and complicated things. Come by the shop for an in depth presentation on how wheels are built, how they are repaired, and how you can care for them at home. While this presentation doesn’t have any hands-on instruction, you will have the opportunity to sign up for individual instruction sessions.  

Wheels; Hands on instruction - 2 Hour, Cost - $40, 2/8, 2/22

How Wheels Function, are built, and are maintained is not as complicated a concept as it may seem. We will be taking a few hours to teach you "hands on", how to service modern day wheels. Bring your wheels with you for a detailed instruction. 

Suspension setup and service - 1 Hour, Cost - Free, 1/14, 1/28, 2/13

Winter is a great time to ready your bike for spring, and nothing makes a bike ride better than well tuned suspension. Hop into the shop for an in depth instruction on how to setup your suspension for the best ride possible. Additionally, we will go over the tips and tricks to keep it functioning well between overhauls.

Suspension service and overhaul - 2 Hour, Cost $40 + Parts, 2/1, 2/15

Winter is a great time to ready your bike for spring, and nothing makes a bike ride better than well tuned suspension. Hop into the shop for an in depth instruction on how to perform regular service on your mountain bike’s suspension. Also, we will be giving an in depth presentation on how your fork works, and how to tune it for your own riding style.

*Please bring your suspension fork into the store 1 week prior to class so we can order the appropriate parts*

How your bike is made - An insider’s look on designing and developing bicycles. 

Cost - Free, 2/11, 2/25 

This Presentation will cover all I have learned developing bicycles from conception to mass production. We will talk about where thee bicycles are made, how the production line works, and how different materials are developed and produced. 

Understanding E-Bikes, Cost - Free, 2/4, 2/20

 E-Bikes have taken over the conversation when it comes to new bikes. With their extended range, ease of pedaling, and expansive options, it can be both exciting and daunting to try and buy one. We will go over the high points of the E-bike landscape and arm you with enough information to start your search comfortably. 

Frame repair - 1 Hour, TBD

While not a common occurrence, frames do need to be repaired from time to time. In this presentation we will replace a broken dropout on a vintage frame by way of brass brazing. 

We will also cover the basics of frame construction with the pros and cons of each. All ages are welcome, although we require minors are accompanied by an adult.

Frame building 3 Hours over 3 weeks, TBD

This presentation will cover all the details of building a bicycle frame from scratch. Week one will cover frame geometry, design, and component compatibility. In week 2 we will talk about how to build a frame jig at home, we will use readily available goods and basic tools. we will also cover how to prep and mitre tubes for welding. In the final week we will tack and weld the frame and begin some finishing.