The Process

using a technique based on ancient textile dyeing with red cabbage & turmeric as pigment sources

1. Prepare the Fabric

Soak the fabric in water before dyeing

2. Prepare the Source

Chop the red cabbage into small pieces

3. Extract the Pigment

Boil the source in water for several hours

4. Adjust the pH

Decrease pH with lemon juice

Acidity yields a more red hue

Increase pH with baking soda

More basic makes a blue hue

5. Soak the Fabric

Immerse the fabric in a bath of the pigment and dyeing agent mixture for approximately 24 hours

A similar bath dyeing process can be used with other natural resources to achieve a variety of shades. In this case, turmeric was used for shades of yellow. In ancient times the most popular pigment sources were plant roots, insects, and mollusks. Mordants were used as dyeing agents.

6. Rinse and Dry

After the fabric has soaked in the dye bath thoroughly, rinse and hang dry

7. The Final Product

Check out the completed shirts here


Convince textile companies to utilize a similar natural dyeing process on a large scale in order to mitigate the harmful impacts that synthetic dyes have on the environment, garment workers, and wearers.